We offer three different children's ministries - Kingdom Dreamers (age 0-3), Kingdom Planners (Preschool and Kindergarten), Kingdom Builders (Grade 1-6).
For ages 18-29, this class, led by Anthony and Michelle Clark, meets on Tuesday nights for food, fellowship, and navigating young adulthood and the many seasons of life accompanied by it.
This is a ministry exclusively for women age 40+ led by Jeannie Brock.
On the last Saturday of the month, the men gather for breakfast at 7:00 am and have devotional and fellowship.
Our ladies gather together on the third Saturday of each month at 11:00 am for a time of sisterhood fellowship, encouraging testimonials, and yummy brunch!
Real Life Crew is a ministry for ages 11-17 that provides them the opportunity to be mentored under ministry leaders and be trained up to learn what it means to serve in the body of Christ.
Our welcome team's mission is to make sure both new visitors and returning members feel the love of Jesus as soon as they walk in the doors! You'll always be greeted with a warm welcome and a smile.
The worship team kicks off our Sunday morning services where the altars are always open and you can truly come as you are as we worship and praise our Lord and savior.
Our social media team's mission is to make our first point of contact with the community one to remember. If you have any sort of tech or networking experience, social media team may be just the place for you!
On Wednesday nights, we offer two adult Bible study classes as well as Kids Clubhouse. Join Pastor Rob or Ethan Thomas in Bible study while the kids take over the sanctuary for their own night of fun, worship, and hanging out with Rocky the squirrel!